गुरुवार, ९ जून, २०११


According to the principles of yoga, most of the diseases are a result of insufficient life force in the body. That could be either in just one specific part of the body, or the entire body, as a whole.
In case the entire body is suffering from deficiency in life force, the consequences can be decreased levels of vitality, susceptibility to infections and poor health.
Yoga is known to offer ways by which one can achieve his or her complete potential and is therefore popularly known as the best means of self-improvement.
A bulbous root or a knot is called Kanda. The Kundalini (a part in the body) sleeps just above the kanda (this is referred to the place in the human body where the veins (nadis) meet and separate, very near to the navel). The spot is known to offer emancipation (Mukti) to yogins and provides bondage to the fools. He who knows how to please a woman knows yoga.
• Start by sitting on the floor with both your legs stretched. Now, bend your knees, widen your thighs and bring the knees towards your trunk until both your heels are close to the perineum. Keep the knees stuck to the floor. This position is very similar to the one called Baddhakonasana.
• Once you’ve done this, hold your left feet with your left palm and the right one with your right palm.
• Using your hands, try to draw the upwards, in the direction of the trunk. This will require you to invert your ankle and pulling your thighs and knees. Do this until the outer sides of the feet and also the heels come against the chest and the navel. The feet may tend to slip down during the initial phases, so you’ll have to keep practicing for a few weeks. The feet have to be held against the chest in a firm manner.
• The next step is to release your hands. You can either stretch your arms straight and rest the back of your hand on your knees or you can keep them in front of your chest. In the latter case, the palms will have to be joined. Keeping your back erect, sty on the position for nearly 30 seconds. Remember to keep breathing in sync.
• People who have had some yoga training before can raise their hands and palm together and keep them above the head. As a matter of fact, the main aim should be to join your palms behind your back and maintain your balance. Doubtlessly, this is the most difficult part in the complete procedure.
• Now hold your feet with your hands, gradually lowering them to the floor. It is time to rest before you start all over again.
• Since the joints in the pelvis and others in the region are rotated, it takes quite some time before one can completely master the pose.
The exercise tends to work on almost every muscle situated below the navel. Practicing this pose can also cure other ailments such as the stiffness in the hip, ankle and knee joints. It will help you control sexual desires and will also enhance sexual energy.
This ‘asana’ or pose also works on the hypo gastric plexus, known as the Svadhisthana Chakra. Furthermore, the solar plexus or Manipuraka Chakra also benefits from this exercise. This is significant in proper digestion of the food.
Some yoga poses that can be useful for the treatment of ED are listed below.
• Abdominal lifts : 4-5 times everyday
• Anal lifts: 4-5 times everyday
• Bhujangasana: Also known as the Cobra pose
• Pawanmuktasana: Also known as the Wind Relieving pose
Other beneficial yoga therapies for the treatment of impotence
§  The ‘asana’ or yoga pose –
o Surya Namaskar – Sun salutation
o Pawanmuktasana – Wind Relieving pose
o Anal lifts
o Abdominal lifts
o Sarvangasana – Shoulder stand
o Halasana – Plough pose
o Bhujangasana – Cobra pose
§  Pranayama or breathing exercises –
o Anuloma Viloma – Breathing through alternate nostrils
o Bhastrika – Bellow breathing (this should only be done after you do the previous one)
To achieve optimum results from the exercises, it is recommended that you practice them at least twice regularly. Also, intake of water is essential, and one doing these should consume about 8-10 glasses of water every day. Keeping a folded towel soaked in cold water under your spine is also helpful. The towel should be soaked in water which is at a temperature of 15-20°C for about 20 minutes. As far as the diet is concerned, avoid excess consumption, decrease your intake of spices and prefer vegetarian food. 


Research has shown that nearly 4 out of every 10 women suffer from sexual dysfunctions. Still, the medical community has not yet able o determine the causes responsible, and neither do they have any treatments available.
Furthermore, studies carried out by independent institutes have also revealed that about 40% of the women worldwide experience some levels of sexual dysfunction at some point of time.
Sexual dysfunction in women is a problematic and complex issue and therefore, opinions of health experts on the various causes and also their treatments vary considerably.
There is no denying of the fact that quite a number of women have been cured of these dysfunctions, however, health experts also advocate the claim that medication manufacturing companies are trying to turn the regular female sexual function to a sort of medical diagnosis in an attempt to be the first ones to manufacture a pill for the treatment of female impotence.
There was a survey conducted recently on more than 300 females, all of whom were suffering from sexual dysfunctions. This survey suggested that the women expected treatment which was aimed at meeting their psychological and physiological demands, rather than focusing on their present medical condition.
The researchers who took part in this survey claimed that more than 45% of the women were of the opinion that the sexual disorders that they were suffering from could be effectively treated with more compassion, understanding and further intimacy from their sexual partners, instead of consuming blue pills such as Viagra.
Interestingly, most of the women thought that once a female reaches middle-age, she starts emanating from ‘between her ears’, and not from ‘between her thighs’. Some thought, isn’t it!
Doctors have classified female impotence in four types:
§  The lack of sexual desire – This is also termed as Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). The main characteristics are complete lack of interest in sexual activities and also aversion to stimulation, sexual overtures and sexual activity. It has been noted that women suffering from HSDD rarely or even never fantasize or think about sex!
§  The lack of sexual arousal – This is medically termed as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder or FSAD. In simple terms, it can be defined as the inability of a woman to achieve or even progress through the ‘regular’ stages of sexual arousal. In this case, women do not show any interest in initiating sex and are also known to avoid sexual contact.
§  Experiencing pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse – This category has been further divided into two
§  Dyspareunia – this is defined as the experience of going through extreme pain or discomfort in the genital area, more specifically the vagina. This can be felt before, during or even after the intercourse.
§  Vaginismus – it is an involuntary contraction that takes place in the muscles of situated around the vagina. The result is difficulty or absolute impossibility of penetration during sexual intercourse.
§  The inability to achieve orgasm – Medically termed as the Female Orgasmic Disorder or FOD. This is referred to the inability in a woman to achieve her orgasm that may be caused due to sexual intercourse or arousal. As a matter of fact, orgasm in women is a learned response, as opposed to the inherent response in men.
Anorgasmia is defined as the inability to achieve an orgasm regardless of what the circumstances may be, and this affects about 5-10% of women globally. The possible causes of this are inexperience, lack of understanding of the female anatomy, certain inhibitions, cultural influences and also sexual trauma 


The following directions have proven themselves useful for all men, including those with certain erection problems. It should be noted though that these exercises deal with physical manifestations of potential problems and do not cover psychological aspects including anxiety.
The training procedures are quite simple but really effective for training the pelvic floor muscles. The positive effect of exercising pelvic floor on erection in men is proven by several researches. As this group of muscles controls erection process, their good shape will help to restore erectile function as well as to prevent development of impotence.
When performed regularly and correctly, the exercises may become a viable alternative to Viagra-like pills. You can train your pelvic floor while having a rest, taking a walk or watching TV. To begin with, find the muscles of pelvic floor by holding back urination process or breaking wind. After memorizing the exact muscle position, try to reproduce it during 3–5 sec. It is a good idea to control your body with the help of a mirror. The penis should be drawn into the body with the testicles going up. While training pelvic floor muscles, be careful as to continue regular breathing and to keep the buttocks relaxed.
The first exercise
Lying on a bed or on the floor, bend your knees keeping them a bit apart. Your feet should be fixed flat on the bed or on the floor. Strain your pelvic floor rapidly as hard as you are able to. Try to hold the muscles on for 10 seconds (first, it can be less than that). Relax pelvic floor muscles for other ten seconds. Contract the muscles for three times (two cycles per day).
The second exercise
Sit on a chair upright, do not lean you back on it. Try to elevate your testicles – this way you are contracting the muscles of pelvic floor. Do your best to keep in this position for 10 seconds (first, it can be less than that). Relax the pelvic floor muscles for another ten seconds. Contract the muscles for three times (two cycles per day).
The third exercise
Standing in front of a large mirror, strain your pelvic floor for the penis to be drawn into the body and the testicles to go up. Do your best to keep in this position for 10 seconds (first, it can be less than that). Relax pelvic floor muscles for another ten seconds. Contract the muscles for three times (two cycles per day).
In case of erection problems, get ready for regular and persistent training of your muscles. It may take from three to six months to get first obvious results. Do not stop exercising after coming back to the norm. Keep training each day for the pelvic floor muscles to perform trouble-free